Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Transportation in Japan

Transportation in Japan is fascinating from an American perspective. We traveled by car, train, plane (but not boat!) all over Japan. Here are some photos that provide a glimpse of Japanese travel.

A real place - not a statement about greenhouse gasses.

 This is the train station at 11pm on a Tuesday night in Akihabara.

 Golden wheels!

The bullet train with aerodynamic nose!

A sign that warns walkers to be careful of crows (they are huge in Japan).

 Unfortunately logistics prevented us from visiting the museum of logistics.

Please take the time to read this sign (in two pics) for an American restaurant in the Shinagawa train station.

 Another sign in the Shinagawa station.

 Which express do you want?

We took the Romancecar (so named because the route was once a popular honeymoon destination).

Taxis with philosophy.

 Signs in train stations are very entertaining.

Bicycles are very popular - particularly at high schools.
 More signs.

 The moped/bicycle commute to Kyushu university in Fukuoka - these students are late to class.

 Taxi doors open automatically in Japan - it is not magic - check out the mechanism in the door.

Ordinary or large?

A disgruntled passenger in the airport in Ehime.

 Train stations are also shopping malls.

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