Saturday, October 29, 2011

Whale-watching off Santa Cruz

Lila was in town and we ended up in Santa Cruz for lunch.  Then Regina invited us to join her on Mike's boat for a little sailing.  They had heard that whales were sighted in the bay.  That's a bit of an understatement.  We saw whales non-stop for a couple of hours as we sailed and motored around, including one that popped up right next to the boat.  It was outstanding.

Excited to be out on the water. 
Look, whales!

This one popped up right next to the boat.  Absolutely amazing.

An example of the seal and bird feeding frenzy that surrounds the whales.

Brad takes a break from the helm.

Anne Marie gets her sea legs.
Look, more whales!

A lucky day to be kayaking in the Monterey Bay.

King of the world...