Saturday, June 23, 2012

Return to Paris

Dear readers, I know you have been anxiously awaiting news of my travels. After an amazing week in Brussels, I returned to Paris for a day and a half and then headed to Greece. Greece pictures will come, but first to pick up where we left off. The main train station in Paris, Gare du Nord. I don't recommend staying in this area.

The Basilica of the Sacré Coeur is an impressive example of Byzantine architecture and offers a great view of the city.

The avenues of the Montmarte are charming.

Space invaders in Paris.

These covered passages were some of the first shopping malls.

Window shopping provides endless eye candy.

The gardens of the Toulierries near the Lourve offer nice views. The groundskeepers are busy.


The Jardin du Luxembourg is the second largest public park in Paris.

I then headed to the Pantheon to meet Benoit for drinks and dinner. This place only serves meat.

Thanks Benoit for a wonderful visit in Paris. Dinner is on us when you visit San Francisco!